For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 123-456-7890 or fill out the following form
Head Office
500 Terry Francois Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
Tel: 123-456-7890
Fax: 123-456-7890
To apply for a job with Sphere Constuctions, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: info@mysite.com
Get a quote: 123-456-7890
It is the policy of the Arts Association to provide services for any person or family who desires to participate in Arts Association programs, regardless of the ability to pay the standard program fee. Financial Assistance is provided through the Judge Horace Johnson Young Artists Grant. No child is turned away. Financial assistance is given based on a sliding fee scale and is provided on a first come, first served basis and will be based on the Arts Association's ability to provide funding.
Financial assistance will be awarded based on family income and members in household in compliance with other local non-profits’ financial assistance guidelines. Applications will be processed in order they are received. Please allow two weeks for processing.
The deadline for financial assistance for the full 2021–2022 school year is September 15. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered. To download and print the English financial aid application, please click here. To download and print the Spanish financial aid application, please click here.
Please send completed applications to:
Arts Association
Attention: Chris Crowe
1169 Washington Street
Covington, GA 30014
or e-mail: ccrowe@newtoncountyarts.org
If you have any questions, please contact the
Registrar, Chris Crowe at 770.786.8188.

In an effort to maintain diversity, we offer a scholarships for families who speak Spanish as their first language.
En un esfuerzo por mantener la diversidad, esta beca se otorga a familias que el Español es su primer idioma.
La fecha límite para enviar la solicitud de beca para familias que el Español es su primer idioma para el año escolar 2020-2021 completo es el 15 de Septiembre. No se considerarán las solicitudes tardías y/o incompletas. Para descargar y imprimir la solicitud de beca financiera española, haz clic aquí.
Por favor envíe las solicitudes completadas a:
Arts Association
Attention: Beca/Chris Crowe
1169 Washington Street
Covington, GA 30014
o envía un correo electrónico a: ccrowe@newtoncountyarts.org
T.K. Adams Instrumental Music Scholarship
This $1000 music scholarship is awarded to graduating seniors of the Newton County School System. It serves to encourage young musicians to study music beyond the high school level. This scholarship honors T.K. Adams, a gracious leader, wise teacher, talented musician and gentle man, who advocated music education through his efforts as a band director in the Newton County Schools, as a leader in establishing the Newton County Community Band and serving as its Director for over 20 years until his retirement in 2014.
Applications are available in January each year. For more information about the application process, please email acoggin@newtoncountyarts.org .
Dave Young Vocal Music Scholarship
This $1000 scholarship is awarded to graduating seniors of the Newton County School System. It serves to encourage youth’s further study of and involvement in the arts beyond high school level. This scholarship honors David N. Young, a gracious leader, wise teacher, talented musician and gentle man, who advocated music education through his efforts as a high school music teacher 1957-1971, as an administrator in the Newton County School System in 1974-1989 and as a leader in establishing the Concert Association, now the Arts Association, and serving as its Executive Director 1989-1995.
Applications will be available in January each year. For more information about the application process, please email acoggin@newtoncountyarts.org .
In an attempt to expand opportunities for our students, merit based scholarships are granted to members of Young Artist Programs attending summer intensives that further develop their talents and passion for the arts. Assistance is granted at the discretion of the Young Artist Program's artistic director.
Evaluation is based on instructor recommendation, the student's performance level, and financial need.
Please send inquiries and proposals to: